Thursday, June 14, 2007

Paint away, wipe it away

So that's the way it goes for me lately....

I've just spent the entire evening, putting paint on a small 8 x 10 canvas, and delicately creating intricate patterns, and getting to something I like......... then changing a bit here, smearing a bit there, and woops........

I got a bit carried away, and wiped it all away.



I've been afraid for years of my own paint - of my own paintings - of my own artwork. Expectations are a bitch.

And then - a whole evening of work - and a few really cool paintings....... and none of them are here anymore...............

They were something, anyway......... nothing there - nothing tangible. Of course not.

If I were to actually make something that looks realistic, then that would be more of me having to fulfill expectations......

So let's just have some fun, like a child........ smearing paint together into an amorphous blob of brown as the pigments fuse into one color......

Does a child fear this?

Does a child love the brown mess?

I know I do.

I have fun smearing my fingers around in the paint - doing nothing but moving through a sensual, cool, party of colors...........

So that's today.

Today I took a step.

I put paint on canvas.................

and then I smeared it away............


Blogger Jennifer Gillis said...

Amanda, I was wondering if you are still working on Mariscal? I have not heard from you and I have tried your old email, it gets sent back. It has been 2 years and since I paid in full, I would like to hear from you if I can expect the painting. Please contact me. My phone, adress and email are all the same, I hope to hear from you soon

1:39 PM  
Blogger Amanda Koh said...

The ultimate expression of this fear, and that is with your painting, Jennifer. I apologize that you had to be on the waiting end as I go through this process......

11:14 PM  

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