Sunday, January 27, 2008

Painting Live

So - I've dreamt about this for years.... myself painting live in front of an audience. I first saw this vision more than 5 years ago, and now, it is beginning to become a manifestation...... I'm taking my first steps into this vision in the next couple of weeks, and I'm quite excited for where it may lead me.

I think it's strange when I look at the things I have written on this blog.... and it doesn't express all the joy I've found in recent discoveries and accomplishments in my life. What's the point of this if I don't fill you in on the more remarkable periods in my life? Who are you, anyway? Who is reading this? And why? What's probably more important - why would I write this here?

Well - for me - I've always been transparent. And, I believe that transparency is important. I believe we are all going through something in each life, and it helps to hear the stories of others - their triumphs and failures....... their difficulties, and addictions to behaviors we most desire to change. I believe, when one is able to conquer their own self, and win an inner battle, it is inspiring to hear the story.

Right now - so many of us here on Earth, are caught up in the illusion of fear, and we are living our lives as slaves to the system, unaware of who we truly are, and where our greatest gifts lie. The time is upon us, when we must awaken - we must come into our truths - and face our fears. We must live our passions, and be at peace within the world............. so we may share that with others.

This blog, and my openness with others, is how I pay respect to that vision and knowledge - that we all are here for that purpose, and we can all use a little inspiration from our friends.

So, now I begin, taking my first steps into a vision of myself, which I know is my truth. These are my baby steps on my path toward my self....

Thank you for being my witness.


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