So I took the leap of faith back in March. Strange - but I have been very peaceful and trusting since that time - despite the flow of money. I have been comfortable... maybe too much so. I'm not sure.
But, I did finish reading the book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle - and towards the end - he spoke about people awakening - that some may just wake up one day, and through consciousness, know that what they are doing, is not what they want to do - and just change... from that moment forward.
That is exactly what happened to me........ but then, thankfully - he also mentioned that afterwards, a person might feel a bit lost. They know what they DON'T want to do........
now, what do they want to do?
Yeah - I was there. I still am, in a sense. I know that the Universe is weaving a web right now.... and I am a player. I am not currently the spider, unless a spider weaves its web unconsciously...... there are some things I am aware I am doing - but for the most part, I am more trusting that the Universe knows the big plan. I am just along for the ride.
But - saying all of this - I am happy to announce, that last night, I started painting.... and when I say painting, I mean - my soul's painting. My latest "way" is coming forth.
Certainly - if ever I have felt myself "awakened" in this world - or at ONE with the moment - it has always been with my hands moving while creating artwork. This must be where I find my enjoyment. I do experience excitement and enthusiasm when I have realized I have "gone there". I can be witness to it, while I am there. I can now STAY there - remain conscious of it, and still be there, creating....... allowing the creation to happen through me. There is nothing more exhilarating to me that I have ever experienced. And it is my belief, that artwork created in that "way" - is truly special... truly gifted and blessed.
I am so thankful for this gift - to be able to create in this way.
It is only my job - my enjoyment - my passion.... to bring myself to canvas each day, and to allow that consciousness to occur. When it will - I cannot predict - or prompt... but I can be thankful.
This is all I ever am...